Wednesday, February 9, 2011

so long Kansas, I am going to Texas the summer!

Well, I completely forgot to blog after I recieved some exciting news about this summer and that is that I got the internship that I applied for in Dallas, Texas!!!!!!! :) The internship is Project Transformation, and I get the opportunity to work with under privillege kids, I am looking forward to this experience. The cool thing is I won't be the only one from my college that will be there, my friends Molly, Kyle, Meeka, Michelle, and hopefully Jessica will be there too, so that should be fun. I am also stoked about meeting new people, I love making friends, because the ones that matter the most you remember for a life time, and I feel like some of the ones that I will meet this summer will be memorable for the rest of my life :)! I've probably said this about a million times, but I am looking forward to this internship because, I need a summer away from home for a while. I love home don't get me wrong, but it'll be nice to get away even longer. After graduation I will have three lovely weeks at home and that'll be nice enough, but then I'll be on my new journey of life to this internship and a hopefully a job somewhere. I am really excited to see what God has in store for me this summer, I hope he opens my eyes to brand new things and shows me things along the way. Don't you worry I hope to be blogging about it this summer, so you all will be updated to all who reads this :)!

On another note: Tuesday, made the mark of there only being 3 more months left of school--CRRRAZY! I can't believe how fast this last semester is going, it always makes me feel so sad. I got so much to get done before graduation, so I better start using my time wisely, because in a blink of an eye it'll be May. I feel like I have no motivation at times to get anything done, but I plan on fixing that and using my time wisely. I also need to enjoy college while I can and make lots and lots of memories too :). I love this place so much and the people here. I have sooo many great friends that I would not trade for the world. They all know who they are. My family is also the best too, they are a great support system :)!

Well, that shall be good for now, I will update you all soon when it's time for a new one. Thanks for listening to me again and take care until next time :)!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Wow, it seems like a very long time, since I have written a blog on here. A lot has happened in that time. Well, let’s see for starters I am a senior at SC! That is something I cannot believe. It seems like just yesterday it was my freshman year. My college years have just flown right on past me, crazy right. Also I am no longer an education major for those of you that did not know. I am currently or have been for a quite some time I am a general studies major. My dream has always been to work with kids; I am never giving up on that dream. I love working with kids, it is just an indescribable feeling when I work with them. Currently, I am helping Miss. Christy Rude out at the First Assembly of God Church with Children’s church and we usually have the same five every week. What makes it unique is that there are two different families and siblings that attend. There is a pretty interesting and funny group; we have a good time with them so that helps the Sundays go good. This coming summer, I really hope to do this internship that most people from SC have done. I finally have a free summer that I can actually do it. It’s called Project Transformation and located in Dallas, Texas. I have my phone interview on Tuesday and I am super nervous, everyone keeps telling me I’ll be fine. I am so scared; this is one of the major steps into getting it. God has a plan for it all, if I am supposed to be there this summer I will be. It's all part of his PlAN!! I recently turned twenty-two, and this is an age I was told that would hit me worse than twenty one did. I had a great birthday, had some pretty flowers get delivered and had some great friends take me out for dinner at Montanna Mike’s—YUMMY! Sometimes, I get emotional when I turn a different age because I hate the thought of getting older. Its funny when we’re young we can’t wait to get older, but when we’re older we wish, we were younger again. So, either way it’s a win or lose situation. It hit me like a lightning bolt that’s for sure. It means graduation is around the corner, and then its real world time. AHHHHH! I have no idea what my plans for after graduation are, I still have time but it stinks when people ask me “So, what are you doing after graduation”? And of course, I have no answer yet, because in all honest I really don’t know. I’ve been thinking long and hard about going to Grad school at Emporia State, because they have the recreation emphasis, what I am currently leaning towards with what I can do with my general studies degree. A lot of things have changed in my family recently too. We did move to Wichita this past summer, and now we’re trying to sell our house. We still live in Tribune but had a house in Wichita. My dad just currently got offered a job in Topeka to be a secretary for Brownback as the Secretary of the Health and Environment. Crazy right? They all could not be happier with him, so I am happy for my dad. My sister is officially on the track team for KU. So our family is doing swell. Friends are great, could not be better, and would not trade any of them for the world. I met some new ones this year and they are pretty great too. I must say SC is a great place to be. I will definitely miss this place; it sure has felt like home. So many great memories have been made here and some will never be forgotten. Some can be deleted, but we all know that is not necessary and cannot happen. My last semester of classes are starting out pretty good, not too bad at all and that is the way I like it. Well, that is it for a now I did a great sum up for now, if anyone else would like to know more just let me know! Thank you all to you that read this and hope you have a blessed day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I personally liked reading every day for a certain amount of time and then blogging about it. It was much easier for me to blog about what I had read rather than writing it down on a piece of paper. It was also easier this way, that way if we wanted to read everyone elses in the class to see what they read and get ideas for the next book we want to read, we can read their blog. Doing it in blog form also, helped you stay accountable because, it would keep track of the time and date you would blog each time. It also made it easier to keep track of each blog that you blogged to see how many more you needed too, to get the required amount. I think it was also fun and enjoyable this way because, we could learn a lot about one another and read what others said and how they enjoyed the book they were reading. Some of the ones that I read from people in our class would crack me up. Especially, if they didn't enjoy the book or they did and just the way they talked about the book and what happened in it made me chuckle. Doing it this way has made me really enjoy reading more and more. I know I will do a lot reading this summer because, it's really enjoyable to do and sometimes I get so wrapped up in my reading that I act like I am in the location they are and then I quit reading and come back to reality that I am actually not there, and that I am just in Kansas :)! I read a lot of chick books, I guess is what you could call them. Most of them were, by Nicholas Sparks. I really enjoy his books. Even though most of them always end up sad, there still good too me. I am striving to finish Lady in Waiting this summer. It's a good book and has taught me a lot and it'll be a good bible study book for me this summer, to grow in love and my strengthen my relationship with God :)! This will be good to read during the summer because, I'll get to read whatever I want and I don't have to worry about at thing :)! CHEERS TO READING :D! It's been fun and great, I am sure you'll hear from me this summer, maybe some stuff on books or life in general :)!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

the decisions we make..

I just started reading The Choice, by Nicholas Sparks. It's ok so far, I bet it'll get better it's just because, I just started the book and it's starting out kind of slow, but it'll pick up. Travis is the main character is this book and he is pretty interesting to read about. When I read the back of the book to see what this one was about, I became fairly interested because he leaves it kind of questionable and makes you want to read the book to see what happens. Since, the book is called, The Choice, my first assumptions were that he has to make a choice on something that happens in his life. Seems like we makes decisions all the time in our lives. Our first decision is when we wake up in the morning, if we choose to wake up when our alarm goes off or if we choose to push snooze and sleep a little bit more. It could even be about the food we eat, what we decide to eat for lunch if it'll be a healthy choice or not as healthy for us. We are constantly making decisions and choices every day. Most of them can make an impact or effect our lives. There are the good ones we make that will have a good outcome or the ones that we choose that aren't so wise. And then we end up dealing with the consequences of our action from that. I am anxious to see how this book turns up and what the choice is he had to make.

Read for an hour and half

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's over!

Well, I finished Dear John, and I must say I agree with everyone else. I liked the ending of the BOOK over the movie. The ending of the movie made me so disappointed and thought it had a horrible ending. In the book was a completely different story. I thoguht it was very cute too, how it ended. I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone to say what happened incase you all read it. This book was really good, I recommend it to anyone :)! I really enjoy Nicholas Sparks books, so next on my list is "The Choice". I heard it's really good as well so I want to read it. His books always seem to surprise me so, I want to see what this one has to offer. Until next time, when you hear from me :)!

read for about an hour.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What would you do if this happened to you?!?!

I am about to finish Dear John and I had some thoughts in my head after I finished the third to last chapters, before the last chapter of the book. What would you do if you were in this situation, you're in the army for a couple years and then a tragedy makes you come home for a while, and while your home you try to decide if you should go see the love of your life or not? Would you go see them after a couple years? Despite, what happened over those lost years, I think I would at least try and make an effort and go see them, to see how they were doing, and what they've been up too lately. I know, it'd be really hard but if I hadn't seen him for that long of time, I think I'd try and make an effort to go see them despite all what has happened. I don't want to ruin the book, but I will tell you that John goes and visits Savannah! He still loves her, so of course he made the choice to go visit her. During these chapters of the book John, talked about how hard it was to see her because, while she was standing in the barn feeding her horses, it reminded him of how it use to be when they were together. All his feelings for her all started to come back. Man, if I was her when I seen him, I would just run up to him and give him a huge hug and maybe a kiss, ha-ha. I am glad Savannah, wasn't rude she was nice and invited him for dinner and they caught each other up on the lost years. He discovered some new things about her that didn't happen while they were together, that takes place now. I find this a very hard thing to do, that all of a sudden the love of your life comes back into your life, do you drop everything you have going on and go back with them or do you just carry on like natural? Either way, would be tough, I think. I guess, you could say if it's meant to be it'll happen it always finds a way to work itself out. If it does, you know it's true love. stayed tuned for more on the last chapter coming up soon!! It's getting really good, and can't wait to see how it ends to compare it to the ending from the movie. I hope I like the books ending better :)!

Read for at least an hour and half!

Friday, March 19, 2010

choices we make..

John the main character from Dear John, is in the army and he has been serving for couple of years now. In one of the chapters he discusses what army life is like, and how the soldiers in the book reacted to September 11th and the years after that with the war in Iraq. I must admit our soldiers are pretty brave for fighting for our country and freedom. I would be really scared and terrified of doing that, although I know I'd be doing something good for our country. John decides to stay in the army longer and the crew he first started out with, all get to leave. John gets sent a new crew and he talks about how there not the same as his last one and he can't talk these ones as much as he did the other ones. John gets sent home for leave to visit his dad. I am glad that him and his father have gotten a lot closer, and that made me happy that he was was there for him. John had one of the neighbors look after his dad and the house but when John came home the house was a disaster, that upset him and he was wanting to hurt the neighbor lady for not doing her job. He then found out her daughter was sick, and that is why she wasn't helping around as much. I am really proud of John looking after his dad after all they've been through together. His dad wasn't in the best health and shape at all. If my relationship with my father wasn't good, I'd do my best to fix it before it'd be too late. John ended up sending his dad to a nursing home and the best one the town had. I got teary when John had to leave because he told his dad he loved him, and it took a lot of energy out of his father but he said it back. It made me smile too. John is the hero of this book in my eyes :)! He did a wonderful thing for his dad, despite if he liked it or not. He had to do what was best for him, because John had to get back. That was the last time he saw his dad alive :(. I bet that would be really hard to lose a parent. I am not ready for that yet, I love my parents so much, but I know I'll see them again in another life :)!
Read for an 1 hour and half