Saturday, April 24, 2010


I personally liked reading every day for a certain amount of time and then blogging about it. It was much easier for me to blog about what I had read rather than writing it down on a piece of paper. It was also easier this way, that way if we wanted to read everyone elses in the class to see what they read and get ideas for the next book we want to read, we can read their blog. Doing it in blog form also, helped you stay accountable because, it would keep track of the time and date you would blog each time. It also made it easier to keep track of each blog that you blogged to see how many more you needed too, to get the required amount. I think it was also fun and enjoyable this way because, we could learn a lot about one another and read what others said and how they enjoyed the book they were reading. Some of the ones that I read from people in our class would crack me up. Especially, if they didn't enjoy the book or they did and just the way they talked about the book and what happened in it made me chuckle. Doing it this way has made me really enjoy reading more and more. I know I will do a lot reading this summer because, it's really enjoyable to do and sometimes I get so wrapped up in my reading that I act like I am in the location they are and then I quit reading and come back to reality that I am actually not there, and that I am just in Kansas :)! I read a lot of chick books, I guess is what you could call them. Most of them were, by Nicholas Sparks. I really enjoy his books. Even though most of them always end up sad, there still good too me. I am striving to finish Lady in Waiting this summer. It's a good book and has taught me a lot and it'll be a good bible study book for me this summer, to grow in love and my strengthen my relationship with God :)! This will be good to read during the summer because, I'll get to read whatever I want and I don't have to worry about at thing :)! CHEERS TO READING :D! It's been fun and great, I am sure you'll hear from me this summer, maybe some stuff on books or life in general :)!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

the decisions we make..

I just started reading The Choice, by Nicholas Sparks. It's ok so far, I bet it'll get better it's just because, I just started the book and it's starting out kind of slow, but it'll pick up. Travis is the main character is this book and he is pretty interesting to read about. When I read the back of the book to see what this one was about, I became fairly interested because he leaves it kind of questionable and makes you want to read the book to see what happens. Since, the book is called, The Choice, my first assumptions were that he has to make a choice on something that happens in his life. Seems like we makes decisions all the time in our lives. Our first decision is when we wake up in the morning, if we choose to wake up when our alarm goes off or if we choose to push snooze and sleep a little bit more. It could even be about the food we eat, what we decide to eat for lunch if it'll be a healthy choice or not as healthy for us. We are constantly making decisions and choices every day. Most of them can make an impact or effect our lives. There are the good ones we make that will have a good outcome or the ones that we choose that aren't so wise. And then we end up dealing with the consequences of our action from that. I am anxious to see how this book turns up and what the choice is he had to make.

Read for an hour and half