Wednesday, February 9, 2011

so long Kansas, I am going to Texas the summer!

Well, I completely forgot to blog after I recieved some exciting news about this summer and that is that I got the internship that I applied for in Dallas, Texas!!!!!!! :) The internship is Project Transformation, and I get the opportunity to work with under privillege kids, I am looking forward to this experience. The cool thing is I won't be the only one from my college that will be there, my friends Molly, Kyle, Meeka, Michelle, and hopefully Jessica will be there too, so that should be fun. I am also stoked about meeting new people, I love making friends, because the ones that matter the most you remember for a life time, and I feel like some of the ones that I will meet this summer will be memorable for the rest of my life :)! I've probably said this about a million times, but I am looking forward to this internship because, I need a summer away from home for a while. I love home don't get me wrong, but it'll be nice to get away even longer. After graduation I will have three lovely weeks at home and that'll be nice enough, but then I'll be on my new journey of life to this internship and a hopefully a job somewhere. I am really excited to see what God has in store for me this summer, I hope he opens my eyes to brand new things and shows me things along the way. Don't you worry I hope to be blogging about it this summer, so you all will be updated to all who reads this :)!

On another note: Tuesday, made the mark of there only being 3 more months left of school--CRRRAZY! I can't believe how fast this last semester is going, it always makes me feel so sad. I got so much to get done before graduation, so I better start using my time wisely, because in a blink of an eye it'll be May. I feel like I have no motivation at times to get anything done, but I plan on fixing that and using my time wisely. I also need to enjoy college while I can and make lots and lots of memories too :). I love this place so much and the people here. I have sooo many great friends that I would not trade for the world. They all know who they are. My family is also the best too, they are a great support system :)!

Well, that shall be good for now, I will update you all soon when it's time for a new one. Thanks for listening to me again and take care until next time :)!