Wednesday, February 9, 2011

so long Kansas, I am going to Texas the summer!

Well, I completely forgot to blog after I recieved some exciting news about this summer and that is that I got the internship that I applied for in Dallas, Texas!!!!!!! :) The internship is Project Transformation, and I get the opportunity to work with under privillege kids, I am looking forward to this experience. The cool thing is I won't be the only one from my college that will be there, my friends Molly, Kyle, Meeka, Michelle, and hopefully Jessica will be there too, so that should be fun. I am also stoked about meeting new people, I love making friends, because the ones that matter the most you remember for a life time, and I feel like some of the ones that I will meet this summer will be memorable for the rest of my life :)! I've probably said this about a million times, but I am looking forward to this internship because, I need a summer away from home for a while. I love home don't get me wrong, but it'll be nice to get away even longer. After graduation I will have three lovely weeks at home and that'll be nice enough, but then I'll be on my new journey of life to this internship and a hopefully a job somewhere. I am really excited to see what God has in store for me this summer, I hope he opens my eyes to brand new things and shows me things along the way. Don't you worry I hope to be blogging about it this summer, so you all will be updated to all who reads this :)!

On another note: Tuesday, made the mark of there only being 3 more months left of school--CRRRAZY! I can't believe how fast this last semester is going, it always makes me feel so sad. I got so much to get done before graduation, so I better start using my time wisely, because in a blink of an eye it'll be May. I feel like I have no motivation at times to get anything done, but I plan on fixing that and using my time wisely. I also need to enjoy college while I can and make lots and lots of memories too :). I love this place so much and the people here. I have sooo many great friends that I would not trade for the world. They all know who they are. My family is also the best too, they are a great support system :)!

Well, that shall be good for now, I will update you all soon when it's time for a new one. Thanks for listening to me again and take care until next time :)!


  1. I couldn't be more happy for you! Such exciting news, and it couldn't come to a more deserving person. Those kids don't know what they are in - you are so ready for this! And I fully expect you to come away from this experience transformed, too! Keep me in the loop!!

  2. Woo hoo!! It's going to be wonderful, you are going to learn so much and bless those kids! Be ready to be blessed as well :). Michelle is right, you are SO ready for this!!

  3. Thanks a lot guys, that means a lot :)! Gaww, I hope so, I am soo excited and pumped for this experience. :) I can't wait to be blessed either ;)! Don't you worry, Michelle I'll be updating my blog during the summer so you'll have to continue reading :)!
