Monday, March 29, 2010

It's over!

Well, I finished Dear John, and I must say I agree with everyone else. I liked the ending of the BOOK over the movie. The ending of the movie made me so disappointed and thought it had a horrible ending. In the book was a completely different story. I thoguht it was very cute too, how it ended. I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone to say what happened incase you all read it. This book was really good, I recommend it to anyone :)! I really enjoy Nicholas Sparks books, so next on my list is "The Choice". I heard it's really good as well so I want to read it. His books always seem to surprise me so, I want to see what this one has to offer. Until next time, when you hear from me :)!

read for about an hour.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What would you do if this happened to you?!?!

I am about to finish Dear John and I had some thoughts in my head after I finished the third to last chapters, before the last chapter of the book. What would you do if you were in this situation, you're in the army for a couple years and then a tragedy makes you come home for a while, and while your home you try to decide if you should go see the love of your life or not? Would you go see them after a couple years? Despite, what happened over those lost years, I think I would at least try and make an effort and go see them, to see how they were doing, and what they've been up too lately. I know, it'd be really hard but if I hadn't seen him for that long of time, I think I'd try and make an effort to go see them despite all what has happened. I don't want to ruin the book, but I will tell you that John goes and visits Savannah! He still loves her, so of course he made the choice to go visit her. During these chapters of the book John, talked about how hard it was to see her because, while she was standing in the barn feeding her horses, it reminded him of how it use to be when they were together. All his feelings for her all started to come back. Man, if I was her when I seen him, I would just run up to him and give him a huge hug and maybe a kiss, ha-ha. I am glad Savannah, wasn't rude she was nice and invited him for dinner and they caught each other up on the lost years. He discovered some new things about her that didn't happen while they were together, that takes place now. I find this a very hard thing to do, that all of a sudden the love of your life comes back into your life, do you drop everything you have going on and go back with them or do you just carry on like natural? Either way, would be tough, I think. I guess, you could say if it's meant to be it'll happen it always finds a way to work itself out. If it does, you know it's true love. stayed tuned for more on the last chapter coming up soon!! It's getting really good, and can't wait to see how it ends to compare it to the ending from the movie. I hope I like the books ending better :)!

Read for at least an hour and half!

Friday, March 19, 2010

choices we make..

John the main character from Dear John, is in the army and he has been serving for couple of years now. In one of the chapters he discusses what army life is like, and how the soldiers in the book reacted to September 11th and the years after that with the war in Iraq. I must admit our soldiers are pretty brave for fighting for our country and freedom. I would be really scared and terrified of doing that, although I know I'd be doing something good for our country. John decides to stay in the army longer and the crew he first started out with, all get to leave. John gets sent a new crew and he talks about how there not the same as his last one and he can't talk these ones as much as he did the other ones. John gets sent home for leave to visit his dad. I am glad that him and his father have gotten a lot closer, and that made me happy that he was was there for him. John had one of the neighbors look after his dad and the house but when John came home the house was a disaster, that upset him and he was wanting to hurt the neighbor lady for not doing her job. He then found out her daughter was sick, and that is why she wasn't helping around as much. I am really proud of John looking after his dad after all they've been through together. His dad wasn't in the best health and shape at all. If my relationship with my father wasn't good, I'd do my best to fix it before it'd be too late. John ended up sending his dad to a nursing home and the best one the town had. I got teary when John had to leave because he told his dad he loved him, and it took a lot of energy out of his father but he said it back. It made me smile too. John is the hero of this book in my eyes :)! He did a wonderful thing for his dad, despite if he liked it or not. He had to do what was best for him, because John had to get back. That was the last time he saw his dad alive :(. I bet that would be really hard to lose a parent. I am not ready for that yet, I love my parents so much, but I know I'll see them again in another life :)!
Read for an 1 hour and half

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a different kind of reaction..

As my mom drove out to good o’l Western, Kansas, in six hours we’d be homeward bound. As my mom drove majority of the time. It was nice for my mom to ride home with me, I had someone to talk to, the trip home wasn't so boring, and of course enjoyed one another's company. I took my book out and read, Dear John some more to make the trip go by faster. I've really enjoyed reading this book so far, and I like to pick out the similarities and the differences the book from the movie. I am starting to like the book more, and I love the details, Nicholas Sparks uses. It makes it so real, that you're actually there with them, and I can always get an image of my head of what's being said. John isn't really so close to his dad and his mom is really out of the picture because, she left them. His father is a coin collector, and has collected coins from all over. That facinates me, because I can just imagine going into his den and seeing all this piles of coins every where. I guess, I am just thankful I have a good relationship with both of my parents, and get along with them. I would stop every once in a while when there was a good part and would share it with my mom and tell her how funny, cute or that part was. I read for 2 hours on the way home.

We went to Colorado on Tuesday and Wednesday. I usually get car sick from reading in the car when we're in the mountains, but I actually was doing good and didn't get sick at all. Funny thing was that following Sunday at home they were showing, Dear John and although, I've already seen it, I told my mom we have to go so she can see it. Of course, she hated the ending as well, and now she wants to read the book too, :)! I must admit on the way up there I slept but after we picked up my sister, on Tuesday I stayed awake and decided to read soem in my book because, it was getting good and I couldn't seem to put it down. Everytime, we stopped though I'd put it down until we got back in the car again and I'd be back to reading again. I just couldn't put it down it just kept getting better and better. I do must admit I was super jealous of where the book is located, it's based in North Carolina and there are BEACHES!!!!!!! It makes me want to go :)! John was teaching her how to surf, and now it makes me want to learn to do that someday, it'd be a lot of fun! I was doing a lot of awwing throughout the book because, of how John and Savannah's (love) relationship was described. It made me sad in a way because, I am still waiting for that right one in my life to show up, but I know he will it's all about timing, patience, and when God thinks its the right time. I was just jealous of their relationship because, I think it was something I wanted and the way they treated each other it was just really cute :)! I was really mad at John at one time and wanted to slap him. Savannah wants to work with special education kids and when she met John's father she picked up on some things about him and told John what she noticed, and that upset him. He got upset with her that she did that, and walked off, and in the process hurt two people, and she witnessed it and got very upset with him. And of course he didn't care he was angry himself. I don't want to ruin what happens next but I just want to say right now I am really mad and upset with Savannah!! I don't want to spoil anythign for anyone who still wants to read this so, I am not going to say why. I was really mad at her and wanted to stop reading but of course I wanted to keep going and find out what happened some more. I read on and off for about two and half hours.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Disappointed Ending...

So this will be the third time that I've watched the movie before I read the book. I saw Dear John in theatres, in late February and decided that I wanted to read the book because everyone said the movie had a horrible ending compared to the book. So, now I want to see for myself what the ending is like in the book and just to compare the two. I agree though I honestly didn't like the ending at all in the movie. I really love Nicholas Spark's books. This will be my third book that I've read of his. He is a really great author. They always seem to have some sort of twist in them, and that makes them really interesting. I am reading about John's life right now and how his life was then and now before he met Savannah. It's really good so far, I can't seem to put it down. I am really enjoy reading it because, I like comparing the two from the book to the movie, it's funny to spot some of the differences in the two. If I do must say so myself in the movie the guy that played John is really cute, and he's on the cover of the book so I always have a smile on myself when I start to read, and sometimes I even like to pretend that I am Savannah. I am the one he falls in love with. A girl can dream right ;)! I would recommend this book though, it is really good :)! I think you girls, maybe you boys, I don't know would really enjoy this. That is it for now, I'll keep you posted with more later on :)!

Read for an hour and half