Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, its that time again for July session summer school. In the mornings I help with that, afternoon help at my Uncle's Law Office, and by night I help up at the ball diamond! I feel so busy :)! It makes me all so very tired. But, I am glad to be keeping busy than to be doing nothing at all. I really enjoy volunteering and helping with summer school because it makes me that much excited to become a teacher. I usually get hugs from the little girls and it makes me smile. Were doing a unit on "Bee's" this time. It's pretty fun. Next week on Wednesday we get to go out to a bee farm so that shall be fun, and after were all done get to go swimming in the pond I'm sure the kids will love that. I'm helping Mrs. Schmidt in Art. I am really starting to like Art and helping them with all their projects. They made bee hives outta paper machia its really neat. It'll be cool to see how they turn out. I was reading my book that I've been reading for a while (almost finished) and ran across this sentence that gave me an idea, for my nuture committee next year. I am so pumped. I can't wiat to see what us shepard team comes up with. And I sooo can't wait to be back at SC!! It's going to be a great year I can feel it!!! Summer of course is flying on by, like always! Before we all know it, it'll be August and time to move back to school. I tell ya time, does fly by my sister is going to be a senior this year. WOW!! Almost 3 years since I've graduated. JEEPERS, thats crazy!

Othre than that everything is going really well. I'm doing good. Miss all my friends. But, can't wait to see them again and hear all their wonderful stories from the summer. I think that is it for now, I shall write more when the time is right. Thanks to all who reads :)! Hope I didn't bore ya :P!

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