Thursday, August 13, 2009

I couldn't sleep--thinking!

I can't believe summer is already almost gone! It is so crazy how fast it flew by again this year! I am ready to be back at school for sure, to see all my friends of course. Not sure, if I'm ready for classes to start just yet though! I do have a huge responsibility when I return on campus though! In our program at school called, "Discipleship" I got told that I was going to be in charge of the "Nuture Committee"! I was so excited, because that is the exact one I wanted. I prayed about it too. I just thought it was well fitted for me because, I enjoy praying, and I enjoy praying over others. As well as sending them to let them now someone is thinking of them, if there not having a good day! I love to see people smile when they receive something in the mail, I feel like it made their day and now they feel loved. I tend to care a lot for others rather than myself. I don't find anything wrong with that, because I would do anything for my friends :)! As I have been sitting here these last few nights alone, I've thought a lot about things. One thing that I've thought a lot on is my love life. I've almost been single for two years--crazy right?! Well, it is but, I am perfectly fine with it now. I just recently told a guy that had feelings for me that I could only be his friend. Of course he was bummed but, I honestly didn't see it working with me being six hours away, and that I needed to concentrate on school. Of course he said it was fine, but I could tell it was eaten him up inside. I decided that I don't need a guy right now to make me happy, I've got my loving relationship with the Lord, an AWESOME family, and AMAZING friends that I wouldn't trade for anything :)! I know I say that a lot but it is so true. I just know that our loving Father will send me the guy I am meant to be with when he is ready in that mean time, I can seek his word, pray, and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ! I am so very thankful and blessed for all the friends I have, and for the ones to come that I make! It is so true what they say, you find your golden true blue friendships at College. I know I've made quite a few of them. And I think I may just keep them for a lifetime, of course that if that is ok with them? :)!

Psalm 86:15 has really stuck out to me and it says, "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." It is soo very true! I've been looking up verses for patience lately, because it is exactly what I need right now! I am so looking forward to this school year. It is going to be the best one yet! I just know it! I am so excited, and PUMPED!!!
(Hope I didn't bore all of you once again, and thanks for reading another exciting blog note of mine :)!) Have a wonderful day :)!

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