Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lady of Virtue & Lady of Devotion

I just completed two more chapters in the book, Lady in Waiting. Chapter 4 was about being a Lady of Virtue. This chapter talked about being a woman mostly full of God. That God is using the sands of singleness to make you perfect and complete, and that he is developing pearls of character in your life. It brings up the story of Isaac and Rebekah and how they became about. Rebekah had worked extremely hard for her father, always waited for the right one to come along, and gave all this kindness to everyone around her. Their story is like a perfect ending to a love story, he lifted his eyes, she lifted hers, and when she seen him she was dismounted and was taken off to meet his mother and they were married. With all in God’s timing he’ll send the right one to come along. We just need to give our whole self to him and devote ourselves to him, with all in great timing it’ll happen just as he has planned. We shouldn’t have our hearts set on all these negative things in life, but with good things such as patience, and kindness, other than jealousy, and impurity. I just need to work on being these God expects rather than what he doesn’t like and become a Lady of Virtue.
Chapter 5 was on Lady of Devotion. Just imagine if you have your one and only sister, was getting married and some random lady came up to you and asked when will it be your turn? What do you say? I’m still waiting for the right one to come along? In the book, the author says, “Much too often people view single woman as though she should be pitied rather than envied.” This first half of the chapter reminded me of the movie, 27 Dresses and this is because in the movie Jane’s sister, Tess get’s engaged to her boss who Jane has been in love with ever since she started the job she has, and she has always been a bride’s maid and not a bride. She ends up meeting this guy Kevin, who then does a secretly does a story on her that is read as always a brides maid NEVER a bride. I remember in the movie at her sister’s rehearsal dinner, an elderly lady came up to Jane, and asked her what it was like not being married or engaged yet. When I saw this movie, I totally knew how she felt because, I felt as though my sister was going to be engaged way before I was. But, anything is possible and it is all dealt with the timing of the Lord. I loved this quote that was stated in this chapter,”A lady in waiting has the advantage of being able to develop her love relationship with Christ without the distractions that a husband or families inherently bring to one’s heart.” Our hearts are the key holder to the devotion with God. It’ll all happen and take place when it is supposed to. Read for an 1 hour and 30 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested in this book and will be buying a copy soon. I work with several high school girls and think this would be perfect to use with them. I am glad you are enjoying it so much, and that Elizabeth recommended it. That also gives you someone to visit with about it. Keep reading!! Remember to write down your minutes for the week, and to get on here and blog weekly.
