Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rock Chalk!

I went home just this past weekend, and did some reading. I read some in my Lady in Waiting in the car, as my aunt and I drove six hours towards Western, Kansas. I am still working on becoming the lady, God has made me. In the last chapter I read it talked about wearing a necklace that had these signicant pearls that represented, the things God wants us to be, rather than the negative ones. If we are displaying any of these negative pearls, we are to take them off and add the positive ones to become the one God has made us to be. I am really liking this book a lot, I am learning and getting taught so much by it. It's really making me think about a lot, and making me want to change my ways in certain aspects. I do wish I would've read this either my Freshman year in college or even my Freshman year in HS. I could've done somethings that I've done so much differently. Ohh well, can't change that now. It's still good to read now because, I can still be challenged by the concepts in the book and become the lady, God wants me to be. when I was at home I also stumbled across this book my dad had by his chair and it was called, BILL SELF: At Home in the Phog. I wasn't sure what it was about, but then I started flipping through the pages and noticed it was all about Bill Self, talked about his childhood, college years, and when he took the job at KU! For those of you who don't know this I am a die hard KU fan, as well as my family. I was just sitting on the couch while my sister and I watched a movie and started to read some of this book. I found some interesting facts about Bill Self that I didn't know about. I didn't get to far in it but it was still a fun short read about KU's head basketball coach.

Read for a total of an 1 Hour

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