Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Lady in Waiting"--Lady of Diligence & Lady of Faith

The second chapter talks about how to become a lady of diligence. How we single women should use our “single” time more wisely and how we have more control over that time as well as, the choices we can make more than we will be able too. This chapter also talks about how we can get so busy and wrapped up into things that we don’t make time for God. We schedule to make MORE time for him in our busy lives. Of if we have too many commitments, we should learn how to say NO to things, and instead read more into his word or do things that involve around him. Chapter two also discussed how there could be no better time to serve him and the kingdom of heaven, and to take advantage of being single. This is because; once we are married and start a family we won’t have some of the same freedoms as we did when we were single. We should also be good listeners to those around us. Towards the end of the chapter it wanted us to identify with these four characters who we relate to the most, it was between, Jealous Jenny, Prima Donna Paula, Fearful Frances, and Doubting Doris. I went with Doubting Doris is because, I do have faith in believing in what God says about me, and this is because, God has told a few of my friends things about me that they were to share with me and I believe them. I just get shocked and always end up getting teary after they do a certain prayer with me to hear what it was God told them to share with me. JMK states this in the book, “Free Hours, Not wasted by me, using my free time, to serve only Thee, Realizing how temporary free will be never to regret a missed opportunity, for others to be belst, through yielded me

Chapter three was about becoming a “Lady of Faith”. This chapter was very interesting to me because, in the book it said that you should give your whole life to the Lord and then he will reward you when you least expect it. The chapter also had a section in it where it talked about how Ruth met her other husband, Boaz. The significance of his name meant pillar of strength. Ruth had been married before to her first husband, Mahlon which means weak and sickly, which oddly enough he did pass away and then she became a lady of faith and went to the town of Moab and met Boaz. This chapter also says in order to have the eyes of faith, that you must have that spiritual eye wash to remove all the debris that a certain enemy has left in our eyes. If us women that want to become Lady of faith and spend more quality time in the word it is the best eye wash to have “eyes for faith”. I just realized that I need become a lady of faith and deepen my relationship with God more and then with time and patience it will all fall into place. And that I shouldn’t fear during the waiting periods of my life because they are the seeds that are going to be blossoming in the garden of faith. I really liked this quote that was said in the book, “I do know that waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts.”
Read for: Hour and half

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