Thursday, August 13, 2009

I couldn't sleep--thinking!

I can't believe summer is already almost gone! It is so crazy how fast it flew by again this year! I am ready to be back at school for sure, to see all my friends of course. Not sure, if I'm ready for classes to start just yet though! I do have a huge responsibility when I return on campus though! In our program at school called, "Discipleship" I got told that I was going to be in charge of the "Nuture Committee"! I was so excited, because that is the exact one I wanted. I prayed about it too. I just thought it was well fitted for me because, I enjoy praying, and I enjoy praying over others. As well as sending them to let them now someone is thinking of them, if there not having a good day! I love to see people smile when they receive something in the mail, I feel like it made their day and now they feel loved. I tend to care a lot for others rather than myself. I don't find anything wrong with that, because I would do anything for my friends :)! As I have been sitting here these last few nights alone, I've thought a lot about things. One thing that I've thought a lot on is my love life. I've almost been single for two years--crazy right?! Well, it is but, I am perfectly fine with it now. I just recently told a guy that had feelings for me that I could only be his friend. Of course he was bummed but, I honestly didn't see it working with me being six hours away, and that I needed to concentrate on school. Of course he said it was fine, but I could tell it was eaten him up inside. I decided that I don't need a guy right now to make me happy, I've got my loving relationship with the Lord, an AWESOME family, and AMAZING friends that I wouldn't trade for anything :)! I know I say that a lot but it is so true. I just know that our loving Father will send me the guy I am meant to be with when he is ready in that mean time, I can seek his word, pray, and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ! I am so very thankful and blessed for all the friends I have, and for the ones to come that I make! It is so true what they say, you find your golden true blue friendships at College. I know I've made quite a few of them. And I think I may just keep them for a lifetime, of course that if that is ok with them? :)!

Psalm 86:15 has really stuck out to me and it says, "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." It is soo very true! I've been looking up verses for patience lately, because it is exactly what I need right now! I am so looking forward to this school year. It is going to be the best one yet! I just know it! I am so excited, and PUMPED!!!
(Hope I didn't bore all of you once again, and thanks for reading another exciting blog note of mine :)!) Have a wonderful day :)!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Make Me Want To Be Brave!

This summer turned out better than I expected it too! At the start of the summer I didn't have a job and knew I'd have to be working really hard on my class. Then before I knew it I was helping with summer school, and helping my uncle at his office. Luckily, I received a phone call from the REC and they wanted me to come in to talk to them. I got hired to be one of the REC's assistance for the summer. I knew at the beginning it wouldn't be to much of hard work but, they warned me by fair it'd be stressful. They were right! When Fair time came around I was already ready for it to be over. But, right there and then I knew this would be one of my great experiences during the summer to help me do what I want in the future. It helped that I knew some of the kids already from summer school, so they remembered who I was so that helped out a lot. We had a great turn outs each day for each event which is really good for a small town. Monday we had a WII tournament at the library and while they weren't playing they got to decorate cookies, Tuesday was play day in the park. We made balloon animals and let them play around in the park. Wednesday was supposed to be sidewalk chalk but that got canceled due to the weather in the morning but, that afternoon we had Ultimate Frezbe for the older ones, Thursday we didn't have anything in the morning but, me and my Co worker Kaylaen, set up the mud volley ball pits and got those ready for Saturday, Friday was wallow in the mud, that was quite entertaining. The kids got to make sand castles and we got to judge them, later on that day was sidewalk chalk rescheduled, and the watermelon contest. The watermelon contest was pretty gross some kids kept spitting it out and eatin more it was pretty nasty! The next morning was the last day of fair! All three of us met at my house and worked on the float at 7!! THAT IS WAAAAAAAAAAAY TO EARLY :P!! But, we finished it just in time to ride it in the parade. It was fun I got to ride in the back and hand out coozies! Later on that evening was Mud Volleyball, our last event for fair. That was pretty entertaining as well. Of course, I got a little muddy my sisters bf thought it'd be funny to push me since, I dissed their team for losing. Fair is finally over!!
Sunday my sister, my mom, and I traveled to Denver and went school shopping that was pretty fun. I got some good shirts :)! We saw "Ugly Truth", it was decent kind of had some bad parts but it was pretty funny! Headed back to Tribune on Tuesday. It's crazy to think I'm moving back to SC on the 21st! I am ready to be back to see everyone and have a great year again with all my friends :)! I've had a great summer and have learned a lot.
God has been real good to me this summer, making me learn lots, and did a great thing for my grandma :)! I have made some bad decisions this summer but, I am learning to overcome and make a positive direction towards those! I'm still working on being more patient, even though I've had a few enter into my path, I am not going to let that stop me-I got to make it to my two year mark! Can't believe I'm saying this but, I just don't think I am ready for a relationship yet. I need to finish my schooling and then worry about that kind of stuff. I know when I am in a relationship I tend to not want to concentrate on school and always want to be with him. This way I can concentrate on school, get closer to God, and be with my friends that I know will always be there for me no matter what! I've met some great ones and I wouldn't TRADE THEM FOR ANYTHING :)! I am so blessed to have them in my life. They should know who they are!

I also wanted to add this because, it'll probably be best for me to type it out instead of trying to explain to someone or better yet let it sit inside and make me get all worked up about it. So its been about a month half since she's been gone. I am thankful she's in God's kingdom and now she is looking down on me, my family, and my grandpa every day! I just know when I go back to school it'll hit me pretty hard. I'll have my grandpa to call back at home and tell him things are going great, but it'll be hard cuz I am use to calling her and telling her all this stuff. I can pull through like I have all summer I just know when school starts its going to hit me like a bolt of lightning. I am thankful she is in God's hands to make her not weak anymore but for her to be up there dancing and hooting and hollering just like she wanted ;)! I just miss and love her every day like never before. I am going to leave you with this amazing quote that she gave to all us grandkids. "Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, Live each day as if it were your last!" LOVE YOU ALWAYS GRANDMA MAGGIE :)!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, its that time again for July session summer school. In the mornings I help with that, afternoon help at my Uncle's Law Office, and by night I help up at the ball diamond! I feel so busy :)! It makes me all so very tired. But, I am glad to be keeping busy than to be doing nothing at all. I really enjoy volunteering and helping with summer school because it makes me that much excited to become a teacher. I usually get hugs from the little girls and it makes me smile. Were doing a unit on "Bee's" this time. It's pretty fun. Next week on Wednesday we get to go out to a bee farm so that shall be fun, and after were all done get to go swimming in the pond I'm sure the kids will love that. I'm helping Mrs. Schmidt in Art. I am really starting to like Art and helping them with all their projects. They made bee hives outta paper machia its really neat. It'll be cool to see how they turn out. I was reading my book that I've been reading for a while (almost finished) and ran across this sentence that gave me an idea, for my nuture committee next year. I am so pumped. I can't wiat to see what us shepard team comes up with. And I sooo can't wait to be back at SC!! It's going to be a great year I can feel it!!! Summer of course is flying on by, like always! Before we all know it, it'll be August and time to move back to school. I tell ya time, does fly by my sister is going to be a senior this year. WOW!! Almost 3 years since I've graduated. JEEPERS, thats crazy!

Othre than that everything is going really well. I'm doing good. Miss all my friends. But, can't wait to see them again and hear all their wonderful stories from the summer. I think that is it for now, I shall write more when the time is right. Thanks to all who reads :)! Hope I didn't bore ya :P!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

flying on by...

I can't believe how fast summer flies by. It seems like every year when summer comes along it just zoooms on by and then school is back in session. It is fun to see friends over the summer though. I got to do that last week/weekend. Last wednesday me and my sister, Madison drove down to Wichita and stayed with one of my best friends, Elizabeth for the night. It was good to see her and her family for that brief amount of time, and then it was onto to picking Tyler, my cousin, and another one of my best friends, Molly up the next day. After all the crew was in the car we were set for TEXAS! It seemed like a very long drive, so I passed the time by sleeping. Usually makes the trip go much faster. (my personal opinon) We finally arrived at my cousins house and debated where to eat for supper. I then got ahold of my other good friend Kyle and he met up with us there at the restraunt. Which was really good mexican food. After dinner we headed back to Jens house and we all unpacked and just caught up and talked. The next morning we got up early and went to a water park (which was a total blast). I thought it was much funner, than six flags personally. I love certain roller coasters but, there are some that freak me out. So we spend the afternoon there, then left and came back to the house to get ready for the RANGERS game!!! (which i enclosed a picture of us three from the game). Our seats were pretty much amazing. My cousins had some friends there so we got the hooks up. We had seats in like the suite section. They are really nice. You could see the game pretty good. At the end of the game they ended with a firework show. They were very pretty! Better than the ones back at home I might add!! Driving back home took forever because of the all the traffic from the game so--me, my sister, Molly, and Kyle decided to play the movie quote game to make the trip back to the house go by faster. It was a lot of fun, had some good laughs and good time. Then us three stayed up late again talking! The next morning we got to sleep in a little later. We then went to a Chinese restraunt for lunch then got to go SHOPPING!! We spent our fourth of July evening watching/doing fireworks at the neighbors. We played apples to apples, and taboo with the other kids and it was really fun. This was our last night together so we had a blast! At least, I did I don't know about the other two. We then got up a decent time and had to say our goodbyes to Kyle. I'm so very thankful to be friends with these guys. They've always been there for me when I needed someone most. And we've always had a lot of fun together. I can't wait to see what this year brings. I am hoping lots of more fun memories to come :)! As we drove onto KS! I had such a great time in TX I really wish we could've stayed longer but, oh well always next time! The humidity was the only thing that got me the entire time we were down there.

This week has gone by really fast, and lots of drama has happened. I really would not talk about it on here but it has been hectic these last few days. I really wanted to punch someone in the face to myself feel better about the situation. It's just sad how long you've known this person and that you can no longer trust them at all. The weekend is coming up tomorrow and I decided to play with my team in the all night softball tourney in Leoti! I think its goign to be a great time and think we will do pretty decent. I'm looking forward to it. Along with that helping my mom with her reception shes holding for someone in our backyard.

I've came to a lot of decisions in my life just recently and would like to share with you all that read this. I finally decided to let go of this one guy that thought we had a future together-he claims hes been giving me space to think about things especially with us but I don't believe that anymore. I believe there is someone else out there for me and I'm not giving up and have decided to become more patient than ever. No longer how hard it will be I know I can get through this. Especially, since I have such great friends, and an awesome family. And an amazing realtionship with the Lord! Who has a plan for this all. I just need to wait for the right time for him to bring him to me. So, I just want to thank all of those that have listened to me complain about being single, don't worry you won't have to hear no more. I am giving it all to the Lord and he will give me the right guy when I'm ready. I just need to keep praying and talking and see where that leads me. I hope my grandma has a say in this too. I miss her soo much every day! But, I do know she is looking down on me as well the rest of my family. She will always be my hero in my heart no matter what. I hope to gain that strengthen from her through this. I want to make her proud! :) I think that is about it for now. I will write more when the time is right. :)! I will leave you with this verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

—Philippians 4:6-7

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lovely days but really HOT!

Why hello all to who is reading this. I thought I’d make myself a blog because some of my other friends made one about their summers so I thought I’d join in on the fun. Even though what I’m doing this summer isn’t as exciting as what they are doing. But, I still have some excitements to share. So far this summer I have been a Crew Leader at Bible School, helped out with summer school-in the Art department, helping my Uncle Charlie at his law office, and also an assistant to the Recreation Department. I’m also taking General Psychology online, and that gets done on July 23rd. Online classes seem so much easier. I like how we can use our books on our tests that make it much easier for me. I’m looking forward to the Fourth of July weekend. Molly and I are making a trip down to Dallas. Kyle is in Dallas for PT. And we decided we’d go visit him and see how he is doing down there and that’d give me and Molly a chance to get out of Kansas, which I can’t wait for. Don’t get me wrong I love Kansas since I’ve grown up here all my life; I just want to get out of the state for a while, Kansas can be boring especially where I’m from HA! And I’ll get to see some family while I’m there so I’m excited for that as well. School doesn’t start till the 26th of August this year so I’ll have a longer summer than some, which is good somewhat but, then again I can’t wait to see all my friends back at school. I have to move back in early on the 21st since I’ll be a third year in Discipleship-we have leadership positions this year. I am head of “Nurture” which is exactly the one I wanted. I did some praying about as well did Ashlee-our Discipleship leader who is AMAZING, decided that I would be fit for this job. I felt as though it would be a good fit for me. I love praying for others, and by giving people cards or note to brighten up their days. It puts a smile to their face as well as mine once they read it, and see who it’s from. I’m anxious to see how my junior year will go. I can’t believe I’m already at junior at SC. It’s so crazy, how fast time flies by. One minute you are in kindergarten the next you’re in junior high, the next your finally graduating from High School. And then finally you’re off to college, going on to the next step in life. I’m so thankful and blessed for such great friends that I’ve met so far at SC; I wouldn’t trade them for anyone else they are all a great bunch of people and each of them have own special kick and makes them awesome good friends.